Meeting Prep Form – Get the most out of our time together!

This form is designed to assist you in getting the most out of your coaching sessions by gathering and preparing your thoughts from the previous meeting. Doing this beforehand helps you to focus on the upcoming session. You may also use this form to document your coaching sessions and assigned fieldwork, and record progress. Please take a few minutes to fill this in, and submit it before each meeting.


Please type your response to each question by placing your cursor in the space following each heading.

Things that happened since our last session that we should celebrate, or would like to share.
Things that have been a challenge for you in the past week, that haven’t gone well, or are taking up a bit too much mental space.
Things that should be considering for future implementation (e.g. a new strategy for the business that we have not yet discussed).
By the end of your next meeting, what do you want to take away?
By the end of your next meeting, what do you want to take away?